In Articles, Creative Corner

In life, the physical realm is controlled by the spirit realm… if you have doubts about this, wait and watch the mysteries of life unfold before your eyes. Fortunately for us, both realms are controlled by the power of our thoughts and declarations. All of this, I discovered after I met an old mountain dweller on my hiking trail last month. From the sight of him, I knew he was no ordinary being for there was something luminous about him. He stretched forth his hand and decreed…

“You still have a long way to go, your destiny is filled with turbulence for you will battle with failure at every twist and turn. For every victory you enjoy, there will be a force waiting around the bend to subdue you. ”

A cold sensation moves up my spine as I look around and realize my hiking companions are nowhere in sight but I maintain a calm outward disposition. “Errrm…Sir, I don’t know what you mean. I’m just here to appreciate and take in the beauty of nature…I’m not here for a spiritual consultation” I reply.

“Correct me if I am wrong…You are the first female in your family and your parents parted ways before you uttered your first sentence. Yes indeed! You are highly favoured for most of the merits you have enjoyed in your life came without you toiling. You have eagerly searched for a life companion but found only shadows of men who plundered and passed through you like smoke.”

“Why can’t I move?! Have you charmed me with black magic? If It’s money you are looking for you won’t get a dime from me” I whisper with the little strength I can muster.

 Where is everybody? Why does this place seem unfamiliar all of a sudden? The clear hiking trail is nowhere in sight. This place is a thick forest with a dead kind of silence. Silence so thick I can cut through it…Jesus please help me! Why can’t I speak? I have suddenly lost all my strength.

“Listen carefully and fear not for I have very little time and so much to tell you before Time and Space reclaims this split moment.  Love has evaded you all this while because the world you denounced wants you to curse mankind out of frustration and give up the ghost! Your case is peculiar though, because for every heartbreak and betrayal you’ve encountered, you’ve loved even harder and given so much more. In truth, you used to be what the universe refers to as ogbanje. You ought to have returned to the realm you came from a long time ago but you cut off your link to them with your zest for life and powerful declarations. There are many of your kind upon the earth. Exiled souls, cursed to live desolate among men for rejecting the ancient creed and refusing to dance to the beat of the sacred drum of the dead. Not many have been able to escape the wrath of the mother of dead souls for she lays a curse on all who desert her. You, on the other hand, she cannot touch, because you adopted the religion of truth and continually abide under the shadow of the Ancient of days despite your sinful ways. The rest is now up to you…look behind you!”      

I look back on my path to see how far I have already come and I see a white sheet stained with the deflowered blood of a child; I see raw loneliness; I see unrequited Love and disappointment; I see bitter lessons and splashes of wicked colours.

I walk on without bidding the old desert dweller goodbye. My course is set on the path leading to the high mountain. I journey for days and lose count. When I eventually reach the peak of the mountain, I place my feet on the solid rock, rip all my clothes off and set my sight upon The Creator…my Creator- YESHUA HAMASHIACH.

I decree upon my life’s journey- True Love and happiness; Music and dance; Good health and affluence; Fruitfulness; Renewed youth and vibrance; Color and fulfillment.

Challenges will come but I will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony- Rev: 12:11. Whatever force of failure that tries to subdue me, I will destroy!

I call forth the four winds and command them to carry my declarations to the four corners of the earth and they obey without delay. “This assignment is long overdue” they whisper upon my skin. They return and place a seal of affirmation on me…a tiny black dot on the bottom right corner below my lips.

“The yoke around your neck has been broken. Reign in victory among the living… Farewell!”



“Why are you standing by yourself on the trail with a weird expression on your face?” Jamal asks as he walks towards me.

I look around me… I am back on the trail with countless birds chirping above. “So strange Jamal, something happened just now …but I can’t remember”

“Nothing happened jare! You are just a lazy girl who can’t keep up with her hiking group. Come let’s go!” He responds as he pulls me forward.

“Ah thank God! I could have sworn something strange just happened to me…maybe it’s just paranoia and a little bit of…”

“What is that on your face?” Jamal asks with an amused expression.


“Here” He touches the skin below my lips with his index finger. “Here, use my phone as a mirror”

“The moment my gaze rests on the black dot, it all comes back to me and I remember everything”

“For how long was I standing there Jamal?”

“What kind of question is that? Just a few seconds…why?”

“I feel as if I travelled for days” I reply.

“My dear, that’s what hiking does to you. Come on let’s go!”

As I join my hiking group, I look up at Him with a thankful smile on my face and in return, He blesses me with the golden rays of the sun. I no longer believe in the entrapment of destiny but in the power of my declarations intertwined with the grace of my Creator, Yeshua. You and I were created to win and not fail; to be the head and not the tail…failure is not our destination but a springboard that shoots us to victory over and over again.

Read – Someone New by Leo Muzivoreva, Zimbabwe


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  • Gideon A.

    This is wonderful! What a beautiful and blissful harmony of words, mystery, reality and literature!

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