In Creative Corner, poetry

Lust has fathered children, who are lost
In nature, they infect the land like locust,
They have assaulted this gorgeous grape
And other fruits, without mercy, they rape.

It is because of insatiable lust for powers
That mongers have silent flourishing flowers,
This has nursed wrath like magma from crust
And sows strife that has ended in a holocaust.

Because of lust, there are false prophets
Who, from poor masses, amass profits,
Because of lust, medics have missed surgery
Because of lust, teachers embrace treachery.

Lusty leaders have sold nations’ future
Matured youths are not nurtured to feature
So that the gerontocracies can reign still
And the dreams of daring youths, they kill.

Lust, man has caused havoc because of you,
Now, man is more nitwit than an ewe,
For ewes are not Lesbos nor are adulterous
Neither are they callous and monstrous.

Lust, you are cruel, you’ve murdered trust,
You ravish more than locust and holocaust
People who embrace you think you’re gain,
But to them and to humanity, you’re pain.

Published in the September 2021 Edition of the WSA Magazine

Read – How I Painted Colours – A Poem by John Owen Adimike, Nigeria


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Lust is Loss – A Poem by Bismark Kimbi, Cameroon

Time to read: 1 min