In Articles, Creative Corner

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection…or even more. Modern medicine has been able to prove that babies fill parents with a deep sense of love.

I know a true story of a mighty King who had the whole universe in the palm of his hand; He beautified and structured it, yet, it still seemed incomplete without the sound of hearts beating rhythmically in the silent airwaves. Thus, the creation of the first man came to be and this King became our Father. This mighty king displayed His unconditional love by covering the nakedness of Adam and Eve after their disobedience that birthed the original sin and led to an unfortunate separation between the Creator and man.

This same King flung an infinite number of stars upon a blanket of clouds and promised an old nomad and his barren wife descendants who’d outnumber the infinite stars. I know an even truer story of this king tearing open the Red sea just so His children whom He delivered from the grip of a villainous monarch could walk on dry ground to the other side of the sea. This deliverance was completed centuries later when He sent His only begotten Son to serve as a sacrificial lamb on an altar of betrayal just so his shed blood could wash away the original sin of Man and reunite willing races to back Himself.

I am living in a legitimate story of how this King provides everything I need just so I can feel and be complete in Him and everything He represents. My proof of the existence of this omniscient loving being is in the way the soft strokes of His paintbrush create a myriad of dreamy colours across the sky at dusk and dawn.; it’s in the mysterious conclusion of a life and the beautiful start of another; it’s in the promise a new day holds; it’s in the miraculous disappearance of a deadly brain tumour overnight; it’s in the way a man can wake up amidst the poorest of the poor and go to bed in his own mansion;  it’s in the very air we inhale and cannot account for. I dare say the proof of His existence and unconditional love are in the little and big things around us which He gives to us freely.

I know you were expecting me to tell you tales of my wild romantic escapades and the feelings they sparked in me, but none of them can or will ever come close to the unconditional love of God.

So, what is love? God is Love and love is God. Remember that you are loved even though there is no caller ID like “Bae” or “My lover” on your phone contact list. Remember that you have everything you’ll ever need at your disposal because God pulls at the heartstrings of both man and beast and can make them work in your favour; all you need to do is ask and believe.

God planted the wildflowers for your pleasure so you can stroll into a field and pluck a bouquet for yourself even if no one gives you any this season. You go to bed every night, wrapped in his loving and protective embrace even though you have no lover to keep you warm.

Know that you have no reason to fear because He is the one who watches over the watchman at the gate and above all, He is the only one who loves you with an everlasting love.

Happy Valentine’s day in advance, my friend.

Read – The Rebirth of Africa and Religion – An Article by Leo Muzivoreva, Zimbabwe


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Love – An Article by Ugbede Ataboh, Nigeria

Time to read: 2 min
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