In Creative Corner, Flash Fiction

My heart beat rapidly. I wasn’t sure what was going on, what I was hearing. I could hear heavy breathing but with my heart pounding in my ears, I couldn’t tell if it was mine or if the monster had finally found me.

“Why, there you are,” a voice so soft I was surprised I could hear it amidst the pounding in my ears froze me, its iciness spreading a chill through my body. It had found me and it would take me far away. I would never return. The thought of this made me tremble.

“Now don’t be afraid,” the icy silk voice continued. “Let us go,” it said picking me up. I screamed. “Chioma, Chioma,” the voice of my sister Nnenna pierced through my scream.

I open my eyes to see wide brown tear-filled eyes staring at me. I breathe a sigh of relief. It hadn’t taken me away. The beep of the machines remind me that I am in the hospital. “It wanted to take me away,” I choke out as soon as I catch my breath enough to speak.

A tear spills from her eyes. “It… it won’t. I won’t let… let it,” she stutters. I eye her doubtfully. “You won’t die, Chioma. I promise,” she tries again.

I wish I could believe her but the stark fear in her eyes won’t let me.

Read – Solitude – A Flash Fiction by Proteus Nat, Nigeria


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The Monster – A Flash Fiction by Ogechukwu Peace Egwuatu, Nigeria

Time to read: 1 min