In Creative Corner, poetry

This beat echoes the ages
When my people were chained
Led into ships like sheep to the slaughter
When my people were sold
Led away from home with irons on.

That beat is reminiscent of days
When my people sang and danced
Jovial and hopeful through all their lives
When my people jumped and soared
Joyously prosperous in all ways that matter.

This beat reminds me of a time
When my people served Rome
Sent deep into the bellies of warships
When my people were slaves
Sent deep into early graves with chains on.

That beat brings to memory seasons
When my people found peace in life
Jovial lives lived in purity and honour
When my people enjoyed the good of the land
Joyously celebrating great harvest seasons.

This beat reminds us of who we are
That beat tells us what we endured
This beat reminds us of the joys of life
That beat tears our hearts to deep sorrows.


This poem was published in the 11th Issue of PoeticAfrica magazine.
Please click here to download.

More Poems:

Djembe – Neba Terry (Cameroon)

Hazina Ya Nina Sifia – Kimani Halima (Kenya)

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These Beats – Odirile Jenamiso (Botswana)

Time to read: 1 min
DjembeThe Heat in the Hit